In this video I show you the right way to do competitive research for local SEO. We’ll use an automation tool called and a web scraping tool called Apify to scrape the Google SERPS for the top 5 websites ranking for terms like “dentist in {city}”. Once you have your list of websites you can further analyze them to see what the best dentist websites across the US are doing for backlinks, site speed, tech platform, etc.

Scraping the Top Local Businesses with Apify & Make
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Keyword Clustering with Machine Learning

Using BERT and K-means to cluster over 5,000 keywords into relatedtopics.

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Automate SEO briefs with Perplexity, AirTable &

An AirTable dashboard that triggers content briefs made with Perplexity, Claude &

Scraping the Top Local Businesses with Apify & Make